The Perfect Smile That Melts Hearts

The Perfect Smile That Melts Hearts


  • Researchers and dentists consider the perfect smile to be one that is not forced, does not look overly expressive or involve only curling up the sides of the mouth. The perfect smile must instead be broad covering at least half of the face’s width.
  • Brushing alone does not do enough in terms of cleaning our teeth, meaning we must also floss to ensure we remove any food that may be stuck in the gaps of our teeth.
  • Visiting your dentist every six months will help prevent tooth decay as well as the numerous other problems our teeth may encounter that could ultimately lead to losing teeth.

The eyes have traditionally been viewed as a window into the soul, but our smile could fairly be viewed as a door into friendship, ready to be opened when welcoming a new person into our lives. However, if that door is firmly closed due to issues with self-esteem or problems with dental health, that person may feel uncomfortable to smile, thereby closing a part of themselves off from others.

5 tips for a winning smile

  1. Smile broadly: researchers and dentists consider the perfect smile to be one that is not forced, does not look overly expressive or merely involve curling up the sides of the mouth. The perfect smile must, however, be broad, covering at least half of the face’s width.
  2. Balance: When smiling, try to ensure that your lips are in perfect harmony, meaning that they line up and are in symmetry with one another to ensure a winning smile that is not unbalanced in any way.
  3. Top teeth on top: A winning smile is one that allows us to see more of the top row of teeth than the bottom, with the bottom row being mostly covered, or not visible at all for best results.
  4. Beautiful gums are crucial: Healthy gums should be a soft pink color, although we must be careful not to show a gummy smile. To do this, keep your upper lip covering the base of the upper row of teeth.
  5. Straight teeth are beautiful teeth: Of course, those with straight teeth are bound to have the most outstanding smiles. Hence, it is important that you take good care of your dental health, keeping teeth clean at all times and being sure to visit your dentist twice annually.

5 ways to keep your teeth looking great

  1. Brushing: The simplest way to keep your teeth clean and the thing everyone should be doing daily is brushing. The most effective method means not brushing too hard and using a brush with small, soft bristles.
  2. Flossing: Brushing alone does not do enough in terms of cleaning our teeth, meaning we must also floss to ensure we remove any food stuck in the gaps of our teeth each day. Flossing will help maintain gum health, reduce inflammation and decrease the likelihood of tooth decay occurring around the base of the teeth.
  3. Avoid damaging your teeth: Many drinks result in plaque accumulating on the teeth, for example, tea, coffee and wine, as does smoking. Try to use a straw when drinking as this will reduce plaque build-up. Moreover, do not put your teeth at risk by opening bottles or plastic bags. Also avoiding biting into hard objects or food as this could result in broken or chipped teeth.
  4. Keeping teeth white:  The color of our teeth changes all the time due to the aging process and the things we eat, meaning that regularly cleaning teeth is essential if we wish to maintain their healthy, white color. However, if discoloration still occurs, teeth whitening can help to restore their whiteness, leaving you with a winning smile.
  5. Visiting the dentist: Visits to the dentist every six months should not be overlooked as they can help to protect your teeth from decay and a multitude of other dental issues that may result in loss of teeth, which is a major cause of people not feeling confident enough to show off their smile.

In addition to beautiful teeth that allow you to flash your broadest smile, maintaining dental health can also help you when eating delicious meals by enabling you to chew your food properly, which aids the digestive process as well as the processes carried out by various other organs. Therefore, be sure to brush and floss your teeth every day, avoid foods or drinks that can lead to plaque accumulation and don’t eat any hard foods in order to reduce the likelihood of breaking your precious teeth. Most importantly, visit your dentist every six months for thorough teeth cleaning and screening of overall dental health so that you can smile with confidence, safe in the knowledge that your dental health is being taken care of properly.


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