Health Risk Score

No worries about silent threats with our Disease Risk Screening Programs for those aged 40 years and over.

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Cancer is a disease that nobody would ever want to experience, whether personally or through a family member contracting the disease. If you do have at least one member of your immediate family who has cancer or has died from it, this means that you are already at greater risk of developing cancer than other people!
Causes of cancer:

  • Environmental factors and lifestyles cause 90% of cancer cases, with the remaining 10% being attributed to genetics.
  • Environmental risk factors, such as carcinogenic substances in food and beverages, air pollution, radiation exposure, certain viruses, bacteria and parasites.
  • Behavioral risk factors such as smoking, regular consumption of alcohol, foods that are high in unhealthy fats, very salty or sweet foods, preserved foods, foods containing preservatives and burnt foods.
  • Genetic risk factors such as abnormal genes inherited from the father or mother.

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Forgetfulness and loss of memory are signals of Alzheimer’s
Statistics show that:

  • Of all new diagnoses for brain degeneration, 50% of patients were diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.
  • Once a person passes the age of 65 years, their risk of developing Alzheimer’s increases twofold every five years.
  • Women are more at risk of the disease than men once they’ve reached the age of 85 years.

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common condition related to brain degeneration. Although the disease most frequently affects the elderly, it can also occur in those of working age. Medical studies into the prevention and treatment of the disease have found that when diagnosed and treated early enough, Alzheimer’s symptoms can be eased and the disease’s development slowed. In some cases, treatment may even allow a return to normality for the sufferer.
Alzheimer’s disease tends to affect memory function, thinking capabilities and various behaviors. The disease’s symptoms gradually increase over time, with sufferers slowly losing all memory of their past, forgetting how to carry out every day tasks and, most distressingly, losing the ability to remember the names and faces of family members. The causes of Alzheimer’s are numerous and include genetic mutations, exposure to heavy metals, chronic stress, high blood fat levels, depression and lack of physical activity.
Currently, techniques are available to prevent the disease through the use of genetic assessments and the most up-to-date devices that enable early diagnosis of the condition.

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Medical attention should be sought immediately if you experience frequent headaches and have high blood fat levels alongside high blood pressure.

Brain hemorrhages or strokes can be caused by a number of factors, including the process of aging, chronic congenital diseases such as diabetes, stress, atherosclerosis, heart disease , high blood pressure and high blood fat levels, as well as an unhealthy diet and a lack of exercise.

If someone is experiencing symptoms of a stroke, the person has just 270 minutes before the brain tissue begins to die. Statistics have found that two out of three stroke patients will be left with permanent disabilities if not brought to hospital for treatment within this time frame.

4 signs of a stroke (F.A.S.T.) that you should be aware of

  • Facial Palsy: Symptoms include weakness in the muscle tissue of the face, a drooping mouth, an inability to close the eyes properly, drooling, a corner of the mouth hanging down and an inability to smile or control the mouth properly.
  • Arm Drop: Weakness in one arm or leg, being unable to lift it at all or only being able to hold it up for a short amount of time before it drops back down.
  • Speech: Difficulty speaking, speaking unclearly, mixing up words or being unable to think of what to say.
  • Time: Take the patient to hospital as quickly as possible because brain tissue will begin to die after 270 minutes of the onset of a stroke.

There are currently several techniques available that can help prevent strokes. These include undergoing targeted health checks for people who are categorized as being at high risk.

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Heart Disease

You are at risk of heart disease if someone in your family has the condition

Heart disease is currently the second biggest cause of death worldwide after cancer. Heart disease comes in many forms, but the most common types are coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, arrhythmia and sudden cardiac arrest. The factors which cause heart disease fall into two categories, with factors under our control and factors which are not under our control.

Factors not under our control:

  1. Genetics: If someone in a family suffers from heart disease, other family members are more likely to experience the same condition.
  2. Aging process: It is recommended that those over the age of 40 years have regular health checks.
  3. Gender: Research has shown that men are more at risk than women and that post-menopausal women are more at risk than pre-menopausal women.

Factors under our control which may even prevent heart disease:

  1. Cholesterol, sugar and blood pressure levels should all be regulated so that they are within normal range.
  2. Consuming a balanced and healthy diet alongside regular exercise, as well as trying not to become overweight.
  3. Cutting out smoking and drinking alcohol.
  4. Trying not to succumb to stress.

Your heart function can be analyzed when you attend your annual health checkup. Alternatively, targeted analysis of the heart function may be carried out by specialist doctors using the latest equipment. 

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Fatty Liver Disease

Drinking more than two units of alcohol each day can increase the risk of fatty liver disease

Fatty liver disease is caused by a buildup of fat in the liver cells. This eventually leads to liver tissue degeneration, which can potentially cause hepatitis or the formation of a membrane. If left untreated for an extended period of time, liver tissue may die, causing liver cirrhosis and eventually liver cancer.

There are two types of fatty liver disease, namely alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFLD) and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

With regard to alcoholic fatty liver disease, if a person drinks more than two units of alcohol per day, it will speed up degeneration of the liver (1 unit of alcohol = 1 shot of liquor, 1 glass of wine or 1 bottle of beer).
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, on the other hand, tends to affect obese patients of any age, from children to the elderly. It can also affect diabetics, those with insulin resistance, people with high blood fat levels and those genetically predisposed to the condition. Some forms of medication or over consumption of sweet foods can also increase the risk of developing fatty liver disease.

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Sleep Apnea 

Snoring and sleep apnea: signs of severe health issues

Snoring can be categorized into the following two types:

  • Normal snoring refers to snoring that only results in a loud noise which can potentially annoy our partner or those sleeping nearby but which does not have an adverse effect on health.
  • Snoring resulting from sleep apnea occurs due to a narrowing in the airways as a person sleeps, meaning that snoring happens constantly, even when sleeping lightly. However, during deep sleeping, an obstruction forms in the airways and this leads to a period where snoring ceases for a moment, which is a signal that obstructive sleep apnea is in effect. Such occurrences may sound similar to choking as the person gasps for air, which can lead to dangerously low levels of oxygenated blood and then affect the function of various organs, including the heart, lungs and brain.

You can find out whether you are suffering from sleep apnea with a sleepiness test click

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