10 foods that protect against enlarged prostate and prostate cancer

10 foods that protect against enlarged prostate and prostate cancer


  • Although an enlarged prostate is not the same as prostate cancer and does not put your life in immediate danger, if the condition is left untreated and neglected it could result in a chronic disorder which may lead to other potentially life-threatening complications arising from kidney failure.
  • Cooked tomatoes provide the body with more lycopene than uncooked tomatoes, a substance that can help reduce the chances of an enlarged prostate by up to 35%.
  • If you experience any of the following symptoms you should seek medical attention at the earliest opportunity to carry out a detailed diagnosis and receive the appropriate treatment: stinging sensation when urinating, taking a long time to urinate, weak urine stream or urinating as tiny droplets, frequently needing to urinate, being unable to hold it in and passing blood.

Although an enlarged prostate is not the same as prostate cancer and does not immediately put your life in danger, the condition can reduce your quality of life due to the frequent need to urinate combined with the anxiety caused by the possible reduction in sexual ability. Additionally, if the condition is neglected and left untreated it could lead to a chronic disorder that could potentially be fatal due to complications arising from kidney failure.

Hence, if you are a male over the age of 40, you should be taking good care of yourself while also being on the lookout for irregularities associated with the urinary system. This includes coming in for annual prostate examinations and being sure to eat a diet that can help protect you against enlarged prostate and prostate cancer.

  1. Berries: Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and various forms of Thai berry, such as mulberries and waa berries, are all excellent sources of antioxidants. They help regulate free radicals in the body, which are a major cause of bodily inflammation that can lead to an enlarged prostate and numerous types of tumors.
  2. Salmon: Fish are full of healthy fats, omega-3 acids and antioxidants that offer protection against cancer while also providing highly effective anti-inflammatory qualities. Studies have found that eating salmon just once a week could reduce the risk of an enlarged prostate, slow the development of prostate tumors and even halt any cancer present from advancing. In addition to salmon, sardines and trout are also great sources of omega-3 acids.
  3. Tomatoes: They contain lycopene, an antioxidant which is of use to prostate cells. Cooked tomatoes, including grilled tomatoes, tomato juice and tomato soup, are especially useful as they contain higher levels of lycopene than their uncooked counterparts. A study in Brazil found that people who regularly ate 50 grams of raw tomatoes per day for a period of 10 weeks had their risk of an enlarged prostate reduced by approximately 10%. However, for those who ate cooked tomatoes, such as in tomato sauce, tomato puree, and on pizzas containing tomatoes, their risk was reduced by up to 35%. There are currently a huge number of processed tomato products available on the market, so one of the best ways to protect yourself against enlarged prostate is to drink a glass of pure tomato juice every day.
  4. Broccoli and the cabbage family of vegetables: In addition to broccoli, the cabbage family of vegetables includes cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and green cabbage, all of which contain sulforaphane, a chemical that offers protection against cancer while also aiding enzymes to flush out any toxins from the body. Studies have found that eating broccoli more than once a week can prevent stage 3 and stage 4 prostate cancer in up to 45% of cases. The healthiest way to eat broccoli is by steaming or shallow frying it for no longer than five minutes. Cooking it for any longer means that its anti-cancer qualities are reduced. Furthermore, the beneficial properties of broccoli are increased when combined with olive oil, fresh garlic and ground chili.
  5. Nuts: Many types of nuts are full of zinc and selenium, minerals that are hugely important to prostate function while also helping promote male hormonal balance. Oysters and other forms of seafood have also been found to contain high levels of zinc.
  6. Green tea: Green tea contains antioxidants referred to as catechins which are capable of destroying some kinds of bacteria and viruses. This chemical strengthens the immune system and repairs damaged cells, so the body is able to fight off many forms of cancer, especially prostate cancer. Furthermore, it can also help reduce the risk of urinary tract disorders. It is advised that three cups of green tea be consumed each day.
  7. Mushrooms: Various types of mushroom offer highly effective protection against enlarged prostate. In particular, shiitake mushrooms are full of lentinan, a substance that promotes immune system strength, making it more effective when combating, halting or protecting the body from the growth of tumors and cancer. Additionally, other types of mushroom, such as oyster mushrooms, straw mushrooms, lingzhi mushrooms and maitake mushrooms, also contain ergothioneine, a highly beneficial antioxidant which helps protect cells at risk of irregularities throughout the body, including those in the prostate. It should also be noted that cooking the mushrooms in oil will help increase their nutritional value. 
  8. Pomegranate: A source of antioxidants and ellagitannin, pomegranates provide essential nourishment for the prostate gland while also protecting against any cancer advancing to the next stage.
  9. Pumpkin seeds: Reducing symptoms of an enlarged prostate, the oils found in pumpkin seeds contain dihydrotestosterone, a male steroid hormone that aids prostate function and prevents against cell producing hormones in the prostate from working too hard. Additionally, pumpkin seed oil contains carotene and omega-3 acids which offer protection against enlarged prostate and prostate cancer.
  10. Turmeric: In the past, turmeric has been used to treat inflammation and asthma. Scientists have recently discovered anti-cancer qualities, including an increase in the body’s ability to protect itself from prostate cancer. Moreover, it has also been found that when combined with the cabbage family of vegetables, its cancer prevention and treatment qualities are increased while also providing benefits in terms of stopping the advancement of any cancer already present in the body.

Foods to be avoided

  1. Red meat: Research outlines that over consumption of red meats, such as beef, pork and lamb, can increase the risk of an enlarged prostate and prostate cancer, especially when those meats are grilled, barbecued, smoked or cooked over coals.
  2. Milk products: Similar to red meats, over consumption of milk products, such as butter and cheese, can place you at risk of an enlarged prostate.
  3. Sodium: Too much salt can result in a heavy burden on the urinary system, meaning an increased risk of an enlarged prostate. Sodium levels are particularly high in processed and pickled foods, such as pickled vegetables, salted soya beans, sausages, ham and processed meats.

Selecting a healthy diet that can offer protection against enlarged prostate is a great first step. However, if you find yourself suffering from urinary irregularities, including a stinging sensation when urinating, taking a long time to urinate, a weak urine stream, passing drops of urine at a time, frequently needing to urinate, being unable to hold it in or passing blood, then please seek medical attention at your earliest opportunity. This will enable doctors to carry out a thorough diagnosis of your prostate, treat any irregularities and provide recommendations on how you may be able to alleviate any issues. Crucially, you should also ensure that a prostate examination is carried out during your annual health checkup.


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