Febrile Seizure (Seizure From High Fever)

Febrile Seizure (Seizure From High Fever)

Febrile seizure happens during a high fever and affects children between 6 months to 6 years old. The seizure usually occurs on the first day of the fever. Even though the seizure seems scary, it is over within a few minutes and does not cause any other health problems.

Symptoms of febrile seizure

During the seizure, the child will have the following symptoms:

  • Twitching of the arms and legs
  • Twitching of the body
  • Moaning or crying
  • Unconsciousness

What to do during febrile seizure

  1. Stay calm and be with the child to provide assistance
  2. Protect the child from danger that may occur. Remove any sharp or hard objects away from the child.
  3. Support the child’s head with a pillow or a smooth and soft object.
  4. Place the child on his or her side to prevent choking
  5. Loosen the clothing
  6. Sponge the child to reduce the fever. Use a towel to sponge the child with room temperature water.  Massage the child’s hands and feet to stimulate the blood circulation
  7. If the child vomits or if there is food in the child’s mouth, remove it immediately and be careful of choking
  8. If the seizure lasts for more than 5 minutes, ask someone to call the nearest emergency services. Do not leave the child unattended.
  9. Do not put any object in the child’s mouth to prevent the child from biting the tongue. This may cause injuries in the mouth.
  10. Do not try to hold or restrain the child during the seizure and when the hands and legs are twitching as this may harm you and the child.
  11. Do not give any medicines or water during the seizure.
  12. Do not be frightened. Febrile seizure usually lasts 3 minutes and stops on its own. The child may turn slightly blue and this is normal during a seizure.

Looking after the child after a febrile seizure

The child may appear to be confused, disoriented or sleepy after a seizure. Allow the child to sleep. Some children may appear to be irritable, cranky or vomit. Some children may bite their tongue or cheek. Use a clean towel to compress the wound to stop the bleeding.

How to prevent febrile seizure

Febrile seizure cannot be prevented and no one knows when they will occur. Therefore, when a child has high fever, give them fever-reducing medicine and sponge them to reduce the fever. Most importantly, after a febrile seizure occurs, bring the child to see the physician to examine the child and to receive treatment.

Photo Credit: chefranden via Compfight cc


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