Preliminary Colon Cancer Risk Assessment

Symptoms = Advanced colon cancer

Colon Cancer Risk Preliminary Assessment Questionnaire compiled from risk factors and common symptoms of colon cancer patients. When it comes to colon cancer, however, patients often do not notice any symptoms, or their symptoms may be similar to those of other gastrointestinal disorders. As such, patients often think there is nothing to worry about. Symptoms include changes in the digestive system, alternating diarrhea and constipation, unexplained weight loss, weakness or fatigue, paleness, blood in stools, and chronic stomach pain, especially in the lower abdomen, any of which could be symptoms of colon cancer in stages 2-4. 

Statistics show the majority of new cases of colon cancer worldwide occur in patients aged 45 years and older. Most patients—men and women—had already experienced symptoms by the time they sought diagnosis, and their cancers had reached an advanced stage. Studies have also found that risk factors for colon cancer are directly related to age:

  • In younger patients, the chance of having colon cancer is less than 10%
  • Between the ages of 40-50, the likelihood of colon cancer increases to 20-30% 
  • For those aged 50 and over, the chance of a diagnosis increases to 30-40%

Research also found that Individuals with a direct family history of colon cancer (father, mother or siblings) are at 2-3 times greater risk than the general population.

Risk Assessment Results and Analysis

  • 0 points means you have no risk factors or symptoms commonly associated with colon cancer patients. You have almost no risk of developing colon cancer and are advised to continue taking good care of your health. However, you should remain observant and make a doctor’s appointment if you experience any irregular symptoms.
  • 1–21 points means you have some risk factors and symptoms commonly associated with colon cancer patients. You are advised to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist who will perform a diagnosis and provide recommendations regarding treatment.
  • 22–44 points means you have at least one significant risk factor present associated with the onset of colon cancer (being over 45 or a family history of colon cancer) as well as other symptoms that are commonly found in colon cancer patients. You are therefore advised to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist who will perform a diagnosis and provide recommendations regarding treatment.
  • 45–50 points means you have at least two significant risk factors present (being over 45 and a family history of colon cancer) as well as numerous symptoms commonly associated with colon cancer. You are therefore advised to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist who will be able to provide recommendations on suitable colon cancer screening techniques.

You can consult our specialist to find out about the treatment options most suitable for your condition via Samitivej Virtual Hospital. To schedule an appointment or for more information CLICK HERE.

Don’t wait until symptoms appear because symptoms = advanced colon cancer.

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