Top Tips for Running Faster and Further

Top Tips for Running Faster and Further
  • Running faster and further is closely associated with an athlete’s exercising capabilities. This includes the rate at which the body can process lactic acid or its “lactate threshold”. If athletes want to run faster and further, they will need to increase their lactic threshold by “tempo” training.
  • Runners who train at a high tempo over shorter distances (50 kilometers / week) will have a higher lactic threshold than those who run at a lower intensity over longer distances.
  • Each person’s tempo training level will differ. There are numerous ways to identify your own personal tempo. You can do so by increasing your pace, using your heart rate, analyzing your body state or trying to hold a conversation while running.

Whatever your individual goal may be when running, whether it is to prove a point or just to keep fit, there will come a time when you would want to run faster and further than before. Additionally, there will also come a time when no matter how hard you train, you won’t be able to go any further or faster than before. This is when you’ll have reached what is known as the “running plateau”.

Are you a runner who is overtraining?

When attempting to run further, many runners constantly try to increase the distance they train at, eventually causing themselves injury. Moreover, when trying to increase speed, some runners will try to run faster over the same distance. They tend to do this each time they train until their body cannot take it anymore. In other words, they are overtraining. As a result the body will require an extended rest period before starting training all over again. If this cycle is repeated continuously, it will slow down a person’s overall running development. It may even stop any development altogether. You must avoid the aforementioned issues whilst gradually improving your running. 

How should you improve your running?

Before we begin looking at ways to achieve that, we must first understand what the term “lactate threshold” means. Lactate threshold refers to the intensity at which an athlete can train while his or her body is still capable of processing the lactic acid produced. This is because, It is this processed lactic acid that is returned to the body and used as fuel for exercise.

Yes, that’s right. Lactic acid is actually a key source of energy for the body. It isn’t the only chemical responsible for making us feel fatigued as many would have you believe. Additionally, lactate threshold has been proven to be a much better indicator of training effectiveness than VO2Max. This is due to the fact that regular runners will not see much difference in their VO2Max levels despite their relatively high fitness levels.

With regard to running faster and further, we will only be capable of doing this by gradually increasing our lactate threshold. The way in which we can do this is to train close to our threshold. This form of training is commonly referred to as “tempo” training.

What is your tempo?

The next question that you may be asking yourselves right now is: “How can I find out what my tempo pace is?” While it is true that every individual will have their own tempo pace, there are many simple ways to identify it. Below are some of the way:

  • Increase the time from your 10-kilometer race pace* by around 15-20 seconds. Alternatively, increase the time from your 5-kilometer race pace by around 30-40 seconds (*pace refers to your average speed over 1 kilometer, for instance, Pace 6 = taking 6 minutes to run 1 kilometer).
  • If you prefer to use your heart rate as a measurement, it is recommended that you run at 85-90% of your maximum heart rate (HRmax).
  • For runners who like to base their training on how they feel, your level of strain should be around an 8 out of 10 (quite strenuous).
  • Trying to hold a conversation while running is another way to find your threshold. At this level, you should only be able to say individual words instead of full sentences.

With regard to training programs, these will differ significantly depending on each individual runner’s needs. There are a huge number of such programs available out there. However, it is extremely important that you reduce your usual training distance when doing your tempo run. Additionally, these runs should make up no more than two of your weekly training sessions. This is crucial because your body needs time to recover properly. It will help to avoid injuries and ensure that you are not overtraining as you may have in the past. Just remember: “Time spent resting and recovering is just as important as the time spent training.”


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