Living in Thailand is great for those of us who enjoy swimming and water sports. But the hot and tropical climate doesn’t mean that you are safe from the “swimmer’s ear syndrome” or otitis.
Swimmer’s ear or otitis externa is an inflammation, irritation or infection of the skin of the outer ear canal. After swimming or showering, water that remains in the ear makes the ear canal moist, which is an environment for bacterial growth. Rubbing ears with fingers or using cotton swabs to clean the ears leads to ear canal skin abrasions. Therefore, bacteria can invade the skin and cause infection of the ear canal or swimmer’s ear. In addition, swimming in polluted water and excessive cleaning can worsen the infection.
Symptoms of swimmer’s ear start with itching and mild discomfort, then progress to pain, swelling and redness in the ear, feeling of fullness or block in the ear, fluid (pus) drainage from the ear and lymph node swelling and fever. The diagnosis is made by taking patient history, noting the symptoms and examining the affected ear. Painful, redness and swelling of the outer ear canal leads to the diagnosis of otitis externa (swimmer’s ear). However, if the infection is recurring, the doctor may collect discharge from the ear canal in order to identify the causative bacteria. Treatment for swimmer’s ear includes cleaning of the ear canal, applying ear drops that inhibit bacterial or fugal growth and reduce swelling, and/or oral antibiotics. Pain relief medication may be given to minimize the discomfort.