Understanding the Real Cause of Obesity: Why Some People Can't Lose Weight

Understanding the Real Cause of Obesity: Why Some People Can't Lose Weight


  • Successful weight loss requires a good understanding of the underlying causes of obesity or being overweight because, for some people, the right diet and adequate exercise alone will not solve weight issues
  • Obesity and difficulties losing weight can be caused by many different factors—often due to genetics, imbalances in hormone levels, medications, and certain underlying diseases.
  • At present, there are specific health screening programs for patients with obesity to determine any underlying causes, while holistic health assessments are able to determine body balance. All of these assessments are carried out by a team of expert physicians and nutritionists.

Today, the number of obese or overweight people is increasing both nationwide and globally. Obesity is dangerous as it can lead to a wide variety of complications, including high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, high blood sugar, hyperglycemia, osteoarthritis, acid reflux, fatty liver, cardiovascular disease, gynecological conditions, sleep apnea, and stroke.

There are, of course, many people who have lost weight successfully; but have you ever wondered why some people, no matter how hard they try, seem to be unable to lose weight? You may or may not be aware that both obesity and difficulties losing weight can be caused by many different factors—often due to imbalances in hormone levels, or due to genetics, determined by genes and chromosomes.

What is considered overweight?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a method of measuring a person’s weight in relation to their height. It can be used as a screening criterion for adults aged 20 years and older as follows:

International Standard BMI (Europe) Asian Standard BMI
< 18.5 < 18.5 Underweight
18.5-24.9 18.5-22.9 Normal Weight
25-29.9 23-24.9 Class 1 Obesity
30-34.9 25-29.9 Class 2 Obesity
35-39.9 Equal to or greater than 30 Class 3 Obesity
Equal to or greater than 40 - Class 4 Obesity

Factors causing obesity or weight gain

In addition to dietary factors, other factors such as lifestyle, exercise, age, and environmental and socioeconomic factors also affect obesity and weight loss. All of these are factors that we are fairly familiar with. However, there are also other factors that have been found to contribute to difficulties with weight loss, including:

  1. Genetic predisposition 
    Some individuals may experience obesity or an inability to lose weight or certain metabolic disorders which are in fact the result of hereditary or genetic factors rather than lifestyle choices. It could be an obesity-related gene due to parental obesity, or genetic variations in certain genes, such as the gene that regulates satiety, the gene that controls the production of body fat, diabetes genes, etc. Additionally, not every human body has the same level of metabolism, and this means that genetics may affect the amount of fat stored in a person’s body. Some of the more clear causes of being overweight or obesity include certain genetic diseases, such as Prader-Willi Syndrome, which presents symptoms of constant hunger, overeating, and delayed development.
  2. Underlying medical condition, medications, and hormonal imbalances
    Certain physical disorders, illnesses, or diseases can also affect weight and obesity, such as hypothyroidism or underactive thyroid which causes the metabolism to slow down, or diseases such as Cushing’s Syndrome, in which the body produces higher than normal level of cortisol. Birth control pills can also cause the body to store more fat than normal, as can some antidepressants and steroid medications. Hormonal imbalances in postpartum mothers and menopause women are also contributing factors to unsuccessful weight loss. 

Novel approach to weight management: finding the cause of weight loss unsuccessful weight loss

In addition to meeting with a specialist for a review of the patient's history and a physical examination, specific laboratory tests are also necessary and essential.

  1. Genetic Screening
    Genetic screening today is more advanced than before. Seeing a doctor for genetic screening can help determine genetic or causes through the detection obesity-causing genes, that cause patients to feel hungry and want to eat more, especially in those suffering from severe obesity since childhood. In addition, patients with these issues often have problems as well, such as hormonal and neurological abnormalities. Determining genetic causes for obesity can lead to the development of medications for treatment, better nutritional care, physical therapy, exercise, and mental health rehabilitation. If genetic testing leads to the detection of genetic abnormalities that impact weight loss, a cure can then be found and a treatment plan can be made for lifestyle modification to help combat obesity.
  2. Hormone Level Screening
    Hormone levels in the body affect weight loss. Some people who are overweight or may become obese are resistant to leptin, the satiety hormone. A higher than normal leptin level inhibits the transmission of satiety signals to the brain, causing the person to feel hungry despite having already eaten. On the other hand, some individuals may have low levels of thyroid hormone, which causes the body's metabolism to slow down.

Treatment for obesity

Being overweight can be treated in a number of different ways. If a patient’s obesity is secondary other disease, the doctor will recommend that primary diseases could be treated first; however, if obesity is caused by the above factors, it may be treated as follows:

  1. Diet modification in line with nutritional guidelines, along with adequate exercise every week. Medication may also be required at the discretion of the attending physician. All of these steps can help with weight loss and reduce the risk of serious.
  2. Use of weight loss pens. Today, thanks to advances in medical science, using a weight loss pen in conjunction with managing diet and exercising can be an effective option for long-term weight loss.
  3. Weight loss medications and surgery

As we can see, successful weight loss requires a good understanding of our bodies from the inside out. We need to understand the underlying cause of obesity or being overweight because, for some people, the right diet and adequate exercise alone will not help weight issues, and this can lead to discouragement, frustration, and giving up before they meet their goals. Regardless, taking care of your body and mind, such as eating good nutritious foods, getting proper exercise, drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, calming your mind and avoiding stress are all keys to good healthcare and to helping you reach your weight control goals steadily and sustainably.

At present, there are health management programs for patients with obesity, including in-depth genetic testing to determine any underlying causes, and holistic health assessments to determine body balance. All of these are carried out by our team of expert doctors and nutritionists who will serve as your health coaches. Click


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