Obstetric ultrasound is a test that assists obstetricians in diagnosing and screening pregnant women for any abnormalities in the fetus, as well as anomalies in the mother’s pelvic organs including the uterus and the ovary. It is a safe procedure as it uses sound waves as opposed to radiation.
2D ultrasound
3D ultrasound
4D ultrasound
Remark: The screening test during pregnancy is principally performed by 2D ultrasound. 3D and 4D ultrasounds are used only when the doctor deems them appropriate.
Ultrasound can be performed in every gestational age in accordance with the doctor’s opinion. Appropriate gestational ages for ultrasound are as follows:
Remark: If the fetus has unusual thickness of nuchal translucency, it is possibly related to down syndrome or other chromosomal abnormalities. In addition, this is possibly related to fetal abnormalities including heart diseases, abnormal limbs, genetic disorders, etc.
This is a crucial age and takes the longest to perform ultrasound (30 minutes-1 hour)
Ultrasound tests need water to create an image and depend on the sound waves penetrating through the tissues. Therefore, the effectiveness of an ultrasound depends on the amount of amniotic fluid present, the thickness of the mother’s abdomen, obesity, surgical wounds at the abdomen or whether or not the fetus is ready for the test.