How to Party Without Destroying Your Liver

How to Party Without Destroying Your Liver


  • Nausea and vomiting for several days, fatigue, tiredness, flatulence, bloating, constipation, discoloration of urine and stools, yellowing of the skin and eyes—these may be symptoms of liver failure.
  • If drinking alcohol at parties is unavoidable, you should drink no more than two glasses so as not to damage your liver.
  • Currently, diagnosis of fatty liver disease can be carried out using the Fibroscan device to measure the amount of fibrosis in the liver and the amount of fat accumulated in that organ. This can be completed in just a single screening which takes only a short amount of time, does not require a needle liver biopsy, and is highly precise.

How to Party Without Destroying Your Liver

It’s difficult to avoid the partying that comes with the end-of-the-year season. For those who are health lovers, but who love the party season just as much, let’s take a look at how to party without destroying your liver.

How to Prepare For Partying

The first thing we have to look at is the drinking of a wide variety of drinks—sweet, bitter, alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Drinking a lot on an empty stomach results in more rapid absorption of alcohol, meaning you can get drunk before the party even really begins, or it could cause flatulence, bloating, or even drunkenness all the way through until the next morning.

So don’t forget to find a little snack or something to eat before going out to party. Doing so can also help you not to eat too much during the event, especially as most foods served at these affairs are high in fat and are seasoned with large quantities of salt and sugar.

Amidst All the Fun, What Foods Should You Avoid?

Of course, alcohol is known for increasing the fun, and sipping a little bit at a time and drinking no more than two glasses can be both fun and still not too damaging to the liver. Start your eats with a vegetable salad. Choose a dressing that is not cream-based, topped off with boiled eggs or grilled chicken, as this will help as a good initial filler or snack. Additionally, chicken helps to provide the liver with increased amino acids which help to digest and remove alcohol from the body, the salad vegetables helping to increase the vitamins and minerals. Your main dish should not be focused on food containing a lot of starch or fried food and especially avoid those containing or sprinkled with large amounts of salt. You may choose from various types of baked beans and nuts that are high in protein and fiber.

Nonetheless, you need to remind yourself not to eat too much, because consuming large amounts of food at a time causes the liver to have to work extra hard. Large quantities of fat are also converted into triglycerides, which result in fatty liver disease, one of the causes of liver cancer.

Screening for Fatty Liver Disease with the Fibroscan Device

Fatty liver disease is the accumulation of fat in the liver cells by the body. It may be isolated fatty liver, in which there is only the accumulation of fat, or it may include inflammation of the liver as well.

Currently, diagnosis of fatty liver disease can be carried out using the Fibroscan device with CAP (Controlled Attenuation Parameter) to measure the amount of fibrosis in the liver and the amount of fat accumulated. This can be done in just a single screening which takes only a short amount of time, does not require a needle liver biopsy, and is highly precise.

It can also be used for patients who are at risk of fatty liver disease by evaluating and displaying the amount of fat accumulated in the liver. Patients have to refrain from eating or drinking 2 hours before the examination. The test can be carried out repeatedly for close monitoring of the condition. Patients can also return home immediately after the examination.

How Fibroscan Works

  • The Fibroscan device works by emitting sound waves into the liver and uses ultrasound to measure the velocity of the shear wave to evaluate liver stiffness (fibrosis). If the shear wave velocity is high, the kPa (kilopascal) value will be high as well, indicating stiffness of the liver.
  • Assessment of hepatic steatosis (CAP), measuring the attenuation of ultrasound waves beamed into the liver. If there are large amounts of fat accumulated in the liver, then CAP levels (expressed in dB/m—decibels per meter) will be high as well.

No matter how far medical technology advances, prevention of disease is always the best option. Whenever you party, if you are well-prepared, you won’t lose yourself in the fun to the point that you are outside safe and healthy boundaries. Take good care of your liver so it can continue to work for your body for a long time to come; that is


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