Women entering old age tend to encounter health issues that gradually creep into their lives. Therefore, if women in this age group can begin to understand more about initial preventative measures, as well as when to seek medical attention, it could help them unload a significant mental burden, or stop them from feeling like they’re in the dark with regard to their health.
This is the biggest threat among mothers who love to eat and have no time to exercise. The symptoms of diabetes remain hidden until the point that a health checkup is carried out and identifies high blood sugar levels in the patient. Furthermore, diabetics generally tend to suffer from various other health disorders as a result of their diabetes, including cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, high blood fat levels and kidney disease. Therefore, if you are obese – particularly around the stomach area – or have a family history of diabetes and suffer from any of the following symptoms, you should make an appointment with your doctor to undergo a detailed diabetes screening assessment to ensure that you receive the appropriate treatment:
People are considered to be suffering from high blood pressure when their blood pressure (higher number / lower number) is at 140/90 mm/Hg or more at all times, even when resting.
The latest research has found that even a small increase in blood pressure can have an effect on the risk posed by various cardiovascular and coronary conditions.
Therefore, in cases where a person’s blood pressure is higher than normal, regular blood pressure examinations should then be taken at roughly the same time each day to confirm whether or not that person has high blood pressure throughout their daily lives. If the average of these blood pressure readings is higher than usual, that person should see a doctor to receive treatment. This is because high blood pressure is an often inconspicuous condition that has no apparent signs but it has the potential to have a serious effect on various vital organs, leading to them degenerating continuously until they become severely damaged. Alternatively, some symptoms of high blood pressure may be clear and obvious, such as chest pain due to heart disease, a stroke resulting in paralysis, inflammation of the body or urinating infrequently due to kidney disease. Such symptoms and illnesses are extremely difficult to treat, and recover from adequately.
If you experience a sudden onset of the following symptoms, you should seek urgent medical attention because they may be the danger signs telling you that a stroke is taking place: weakness in the arms and legs of one side of the body, numbness down one half of the body, a drooping mouth, difficulty swallowing, difficulty speaking or understanding what is being said, blurred vision, difficulty walking properly, struggling to focus, finding it hard to balance and a severe headache, the likes of which you have never felt before. A stroke happens when there is a reduction in blood flow to the brain that leads to brain tissue injury. This can negatively affect brain function or cause permanent brain damage. The potential risk factors that increase the chances of a stroke are as follows:
Dementia in the elderly occurs as a result of abnormalities affecting numerous brain functions. Its symptoms come and go, but affect the sufferer’s memory function, reasoning capabilities, critical thinking skills and ability to self-regulate.
The most common cause of elderly dementia is Alzheimer’s disease, a condition for which there is currently no cure. Thus, medical treatment focuses on making environmental adjustments for the patient to ensure their safety, as well as helping to prepare relatives or caregivers for the behavioral changes that will affect the patient.
Preventive Measures
It is now clear to see that the risk factors behind these 4 common health disorders tend to stem from behavioral aspects, diet, exercise, alcohol consumption, smoking and the accumulation of stress. Thus, the most effective forms of prevention include leading a healthy lifestyle, regulating your weight, ensuring that you exercise regularly, giving up smoking and drinking alcohol, as well as improving your mental wellbeing. Moreover, annual health checkups or checkups at the request of your doctor should be attended in order to ensure a long and healthy life.