Back Pain in Men and Women of Working Age

Back Pain in Men and Women of Working Age


●    Leaning too far forward on a chair to look at a computer screen increases pressure on the spinal column by up to 4.5 kilograms for every 2.5 centimeters, and this can result in back              pain.
●    Massage is one form of relief for aching muscles. However, it is crucial that the establishment and their masseuses are fully certified to do their job.
●    If back pain increases or remains constant for 3-4 days, medical advice should be sought to diagnose and treat the condition properly.

Many members of the working age population suffer from back pain, particularly those working in offices. This is usually because this group of people tend to sit at their desks for extended periods of time. Often, many sit in an incorrect position, which when combined with work-related stress, can cause tension in the shoulders and neck. This tension can also spread to the back. Nevertheless, making slight adjustments, and being aware of what to do and not to do, can notably relieve back pain.

5 Do’s

Sitting position and desk height

Ensure that you are sitting correctly by training yourself to sit up straight, with all your weight on your bottom and your back firmly against your chair. Also, it is important to adjust your chair height to match your desk. Be sure that the desk itself is not too high or too low, as this is one of the major causes of back pain.

Computer screen height

Place the monitor at eye level. Keep the keyboard and mouse a little lower down to ensure that the shoulders are not lifted too high or the back bent forwards. Furthermore, adjust the monitor brightness so that the eyes are not strained, as this will further reduce any stress.

Foot placement

After you adjust your seat’s height to match desk height, check your feet’s position. If  they are hanging in the air, try to find a place to rest them. You could use a strong box, old book or anything that allows the feet to rest at a natural height. In other words, your feet should not be hanging down from the chair, neither should the knees be overextended.

Moving around

Try to change positions and move your body as often as possible. Stand up and walk around every hour to stretch your muscles. This can also involve a visit to the bathroom, getting a drink of water, going to speak with your boss or chatting to colleagues.

Stretching the hip muscles

Those who sit for extended periods of time frequently suffer from back pain. This is because sitting long hours causes the hip flexor muscle groups, which are responsible for supporting us as we lean forwards, to contract so much that they eventually cease up. Then, when we stand up, the bones located in the lower section of our spine are pulled out of this position. As a consequence, it may cause back pain. Muscle stretches focusing on this area, such as the half kneeling stretch, can help in this regard. One way to stretch is to place the leg on the side you want to stretch behind you, while the other leg is extended out in front. Then, shift your weight forwards onto that leg until you feel a tightness in the opposite hip. You may feel a tightness in the lower spine too, but this shouldn’t be painful.

5 Don’ts

Avoid sitting cross-legged

Sitting cross-legged can cause the back and spine to bend or twist. It can also lead one hip to be raised above the other, all of which can lead to back pain.

Don’t lean forward in your chair

Sitting with your head leaning forward or sitting with your head too close to the computer monitor for long periods can increase the pressure on your spinal column. You might not even be aware while you’re doing so. This pressure can be as great as 4.5kg for every 2.5 centimeters you lean forward.

Don’t sit with your shoulders hunched

Sitting with your back bent and your shoulders hunched over not only causes shoulder and neck pain. It could also result in back pain that spreads throughout the body.

Don’t use chairs that do not provide back support

Aside from making you unable to sit up straight or move positions easily, sitting without back support means that your back must work hard at all times. Inturn, this means that back pain is sure to follow.

Don’t hold your phone in the crook of your shoulder

Raising your shoulder to hold the telephone in place while you continue typing on your computer results in shoulder and neck tightness. This then causes an irregular spinal curvature which, when held for long periods of time, can lead to back pain.
It is obvious that back pain affecting those of working age is often the result of incorrect posture while sitting. It is also because of the positioning of our desks, chairs and computer monitors. All of these can cause back pain which could then affect not just our work, but also our life altogether.

Nonetheless, if you are experiencing back pain that doesn’t go away, even after you make the recommended adjustments, you should seek medical attention in order to carry out a diagnosis for the following conditions:

  • Injuries, sprains or strains of back muscles, as a result of lifting heavy objects, pregnancy or being in an accident.
  • Age-related bone degeneration. This includes an increased risk of degenerative herniated disks in those aged 35 or above, which could cause trapped spinal nerves.
  • Underlying conditions that could result in back pain, such as a bone disorder, cancer, a hernia or arthritis disease.

Lifestyle adjustments you can make

You can relieve back pain through lifestyle adjustments. You could avoid sitting and standing in the same position for long periods or lifting heavy objects. Additionally, make sure you are sitting correctly, with various work-related devices suitably placed around you. Also, change position and get up to walk around from time to time. All of this helps to provide back pain relief.

If you have the time, try to get a massage, as this is another effective way to relax your muscles. However, when selecting the establishment and masseuse, make sure both are fully certified to carry out the task. Using heat is another way to help relax your muscles and ease tightness, thereby reducing any pain. That being said, if none of those methods worked, use pain relief medication for a temporary reprieve from the pain. However, do not take pain relief medication continuously over a longer period of time.

If the pain worsens, seek medical attention

If your back pain increases or the pain remains constant for 3-4 days, seek medical advice for the correct diagnosis and treatment. In such cases, the doctor will consider various forms of treatment. This includes prescribing medication, such as muscle relaxants, pain relief drugs or medication used to treat muscle inflammation. The treatment the doctor chooses depends on the type of pain. Some cases require medicated injections to reduce pain and inflammation, alongside physical therapy to improve muscle strength and flexibility. Alternatively, some cases may require surgical treatment, but generally doctors only need to use surgery to treat lower back disorders.

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