Asthma is a condition that causes chronic allergic inflammation of the airways, which also includes both bronchial hyperresponsiveness, bronchospasms and narrowing of bronchial airways. It occurs due to the intermittent contraction of smooth muscles located in the airways, although patients may not suffer any feelings of breathlessness or abnormalities, meaning some can take part in daily activities like any others. Doctors who carry out standard health checks on symptomless patients may not be able to tell whether that patient has asthma or not, so they must instead undertake a thorough analysis of their medical history or use other screening tools if they want to accurately diagnose the condition.
These symptoms are particularly more pronounced during the nights or early mornings, as well as when exercising or having respiratory infection.
Since patients with asthma have airways that are more hypersensitive than normal to triggers, when they are exposed to these triggers, their airways will tighten and contract, causing them to narrow. Patients will have coughing, and difficulty breathing or a wheezing sound.
Breathlessness, difficulty breathing and wheezing all occur as a result of the inflammation affecting the airways, which leads to blockages in the respiratory system that causes those airway muscles to contract frequently. The tissue beneath these airway passages becomes swelling with sticky mucus forming, resulting in reduced lung function efficiency which, in turn, causes asthmatic patients to feel more dyspnea much more quickly than other people.
In some cases, the difficulty breathing and wheezing may resolve spontaneously or improve with medication esp. bronchodilators. In cases of severe bronchial constriction, the patient will experience far more intense symptoms, which require hospitalization or emergency room treatment, as the very severe airflow limitation, inability to breath and lack of oxygen can be fatal if left untreated.
Two out of every 3 asthmatic children also suffer from other allergic conditions and, when these children experience symptoms associated with the nasal passage, leading to an increase in their symptoms of breathlessness. However, if nasal symptoms can be managed effectively, it can result in a reduction of the breathing difficulties caused by their asthma.
Asthma is a condition that is continuously on the rise, especially in young children who are likely to experience coughing, difficulty breathing, wheezing and a tightness in the chest. Doctors depend on detailed medical histories when making a diagnosis, as well as a full body check-up, allergy tests and lung function screening. Such screening involves the use of a spirometry device, while a similar screening can be performed with a peak flow meter. Whichever of the aforementioned techniques are used, patients are required to be fully cooperative, therefore, these methods are usually only used for children aged over 6 years. However, the ever increasing rates of asthma occurrences in early childhood mean that the limitations placed on diagnosis by spirometry or peak flow meter testing have necessitated the following forms of screening to be developed:
Forced oscillation technique (FOT) Spirometry
This is a form of lung function screening that assesses the resistance strength of the airways as it has been found that asthmatic patients have a higher upper and lower airways resistance than other healthy individuals. The test can be performed by letting the child to inhale regularly before exhaling with tidal breathing into a special device. The test takes a mere 20 seconds per cycle, making it both simple and convenient. Hence, this form of screening has begun to be used on children aged 3 years and above as the data gleaned from such a test can support an initial diagnosis for children suspected of being asthma.
Fractional concentration of exhaled nitric oxide screening
This device offers analysis of exhaled nitric oxide levels in children or adults. It enables doctors to analyze the extent of airway inflammation as there will be a heightened nitric oxide reading in exhaled air from allergic and asthmatic patients. This method can be used to support early childhood asthma diagnoses and is a useful tool for monitoring the condition after treating with asthmatic medication esp. inhaled corticosteroids. Thus, fractional concentration of exhaled nitric oxide screening is a simple and convenient tool, which is suitable for children aged 3 years and above.
(All asthma patients should undergo spirometry testing in order to determine whether they indeed have an asthma or not, and if so, the level of its severity will be identified)
– Peak Flow Meter is used as a simple lung function test that patients can perform at home to measure how well they can push out the air. It helps as a quick assessment the severity of asthma.
– Bronchial Provocation Test is a procedure to determine airway sensitivity. This method is used for patients who have suffered from asthma but the lung function tests shows normal.
To begin this test, the patient undergoes a Spirometry Test, and then inhales a stimulant, such as Methacholine. Repeating the Spirometry if it has not dropped by 20%, the patient will be given a stepping higher dose of Methacholine. The test is repeated until the reading drops by 20%. The doctor will interpret with a graph.
– Additional investigations such as a chest x-ray can be used to rule out other diseases that have similar symptoms as the asthma.
Back in those days, people used to perceive asthma as not treatable because the cause of the sensitivity of the airways to the allergens were not known so the treatment only included giving bronchodilator medications.
However, there have recently been huge developments in what we now know about asthma, and these have meant that the treatments available now are more effective than ever, resulting in asthmatics being able to lead completely normal lives. Such treatments are outlined below:
Inhalers are the best option because they focus on the affected area, is highly effective in small doses, meaning that there are much fewer side effects than for orally administered medication. Currently, said inhalers are the main form of asthma treatment being used.