Risk assessment and treatment plan for reducing the risk of preterm birth
The Samitivej Sukhumvit Hospital has an extensive team of Maternal Fetal Medicine specialists with expertise and experience in caring for pregnant women with a high risk of complications. The team is specialized in administering preventive care to reduce the risks of premature births because these risks are the cause of the most serious complications during pregnancy.
The Preterm Prevention Clinic will assess your condition and plan adequate treatment to reduce the risks of a premature birth. We hope to help prevent cases of premature births and in turn create a model for preterm preventative care.
Preterm Birth is when an infant is born before 37 weeks of pregnancy. The risk factors that can lead to preterm births are: a history of preterm births, short cervical length, being pregnant with twins, or medical complications, such as high blood pressure, SLE (Lupus) disease, and diabetes.
Preterm births are the most common cause of neonatal deaths, as well as both short-term and long-term complications. A child born preterm is at risk of respiratory disease, brain hemorrhage, intestinal problems, blindness and slowed development.
Care Guidelines
Preterm birth is a major concern in Thailand because the rate of preterm births is about 12% of all births. Preterm babies are at increased risk of death, disability or complications. During prenatal care, the cervical length is measured by transvaginal ultrasound between 18-24 weeks of pregnancy. When the cervical length is less than 2.5 cm, women face the probability of preterm delivery.
Preterm birth is a major concern in Thailand because the rate of preterm births is about 12% of all births. Preterm babies are at increased risk of death, disability or complications. During prenatal care, the cervical length is measured by transvaginal ultrasound between 18-24 weeks of pregnancy. When the cervical length is less than 2.5 cm, women face the probability of preterm delivery.
In this video on preventing preterm births, Associate Professor Boonsri Chanrachakul, M.D., Ph.D. and Head Doctor at the Samitivej Preterm Prevention Clinic discusses 5 warning signs of preterm birth. Research at the Samitivej Preterm Prevention Clinic discovered that from 100 pregnancies, 12 developed into preterm births. However, preterm births can be prevented if the warning signs are observed and the risk of preterm birth is detected through preterm screening.
Despite taking great care of her health and having regular ultrasounds during her pregnancy, Opal found out during the fifth month of her pregnancy that she was at risk of a preterm birth. By taking the extreme measure of lying still in bed to keep the babies in the womb for 28 to 29 weeks and increase their chances of survival, Opal finally gave birth to twins after just 29 weeks. Against the odds and with the constant support of Opal’s husband, who is also a doctor, both babies have survived and are growing well. Hear why Opal recommends that every expectant mother should be screened for preterm birth risk factors at centers like the Samitivej Preterm Prevention Clinic.
Due to fertility problems, 35-year-old Rinnada Jindara used the IVF technique to become pregnant. However, during antenatal checkups in the early stages of her pregnancy, she was found to be at high risk of a preterm birth and was referred to Associate Professor Boonsri Chanrachakul, M.D., Ph.D. and Head Doctor at the Samitivej Preterm Prevention Clinic. Far from having a routine pregnancy, Rinnada found herself having to deal with a 5 cm uterine fibroid that grew to 10 cm during the pregnancy, a clog in her uterine artery, a short cervix and gestational diabetes.
Monochorionic-Monoamniotic Twins (MCMA or MoMo Twins)
Most twin pregnancies are considered high-risk and to ensure a safe and healthy delivery, it is important that the pregnancy is closely monitored by expert doctors. Monochorionic- monoamniotic twins is a rare and dangerous pregnancy condition that can lead to the loss of both fetuses. It is essential that couples who want to start a family learn more about this condition beforehand.