استكشف الملف التعريفي (PDF | IMAGE)
image of Pailin Sakornnaweechai, M.D. image of Pailin Sakornnaweechai, M.D.

Pailin Sakornnaweechai, M.D.

استكشف الملف التعريفي (PDF | IMAGE)

Specialties: Pediatrics -

Neonatal and Perinatal Medicine

Specializes in the care of preterm infants and critically ill newborns, including management of respiratory distress, neurological complications, and congenital abnormalities.
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Pailin Sakornnaweechai, M.D., is a board-certified neonatologist at Samitivej Srinakarin Hospital.She furthered her specialty through observerships at renowned neonatal intensive care units, including Columbia University Medical Center, Oregon Health and Science  University (OHSU), UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital, USA. She is also an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. 

With more than 10 years of experience, Dr. Pailin provides expert care for preterm and critically ill newborns. Her clinical expertise includes managing extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants, neonatal seizures, therapeutic hypothermia, and gastrointestinal and cardiovascular complications. Her dedication to neonatal care extends through her contributions to neonatal research, particularly in improving feeding tolerance in preterm infants.

Her expertise includes:

  • Management of preterm and extremely low birth weight infants infants
  • Care for neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) and PPHN
  • Therapeutic hypothermia for neonatal brain injuries
  • Treatment of congenital heart, gastrointestinal, and genitourinary conditions
  • Lactation consultation and support for breastfeeding mothers

المؤهلات العلمية


International board of lactation consultant The Internatinal Instiute of Human Lactation Inc.


วุฒิบัตรกุมารเวชศาสตร์ คณะแพทยศาสตร์ศิริราชพยาบาล มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล


วุฒิบัตรอนุสาขาทารกแรกเกิดและปริกำเนิด คณะแพทยศาสตร์ โรงพยาบาลรามาธิบดี มหาวิทยาลียมหิดล


วุฒิบัตรอนุสาขาทารกแรกเกิดและปริกำเนิด คณะแพทยศาสตร์ โรงพยาบาลรามาธิบดี มหาวิทยาลียมหิดล

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استكشف الملف التعريفي (PDF | IMAGE)
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